Day 58: 736-749

This morning is was by far the most brutally cold morning I have ever spent camping. The sun couldn't come up fast enough. We all milled around camp trying to warm up, and avoid having to pack up and hike. 

I finally got going with the intent to camp just below cottonwood pass, it's only 12 miles or so. 

The hiking today was gorgeous. No wind or breeze and mostly flat cruising at high altitude. Several people in our group have some weird stomach bug and several more are getting altitude sickness. I feel pretty damn good. I thought the altitude would exhaust me more but it hasn't...yet. 

The trail was good until about mile 8 where we hit north slopes covered in snow. There is no trail to be found.  Getting through deep slushy snow slows everything down considerably. Maps are basically pointless now, and GPS is the only way to navigate through the woods. It took me an hour to go .4 miles. That's a terrible pace and we have to make sure we don't run out of food. Whitney and Forester Pass are still in our way to getting to the next town: Bishop. 

smoke two joints in the afternoon 

smoke two joints in the afternoon 

After 10 hours of hiking we made camp just below Cottonwood Pass and it's amazingly beautiful. 11,200 feet: the second highest place I've ever slept. I found a cool rock cliff to catch a sunset of snow covered northern peaks we are headed towards. I'd be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified. This deep cold and unforgiving terrain humble me every second. The beauty of this place is impossible to describe. 

Day 56: 702-719

The trail is changing and becoming spectacular and more beautiful than before. It was also the first of roughly 8-9 days that we will be in the back country of the High Sierra. 

Most folks had already done mock-packing sessions over the past couple days but I sort of avoided it because I knew that it was going to suck.  This morning I woke up and finally packed everything that I have.  With the extra 12 pounds of food, the bear can, ice axe, and crampons, my pack is extremely heavy. I was sort of shocked that I was even able to get everything inside or on it. 

The climb out of Kennedy Meadows is beautiful, but painful with the new weight. We are definitely moving slower than before and the altitude will start to affect us as well. Several miles into the hike Scotty rolled his ankle.  My feet are feeling all kinds of new pains, and the same goes for other parts of my legs.  The good news is, each day the pain shifts…so I think its just my body making its own adjustments and not some recurring chronic injury.  I have to keep a lookout for any serious issues.  

Our group earned a trail name: The lazy fucks

Our group earned a trail name: The lazy fucks

Me and Earwig - a lazy fuck and Medic for Ventura County.

Me and Earwig - a lazy fuck and Medic for Ventura County.

The valleys we walked through were impeccable. Imagine two mountains on either side of you forming a perfect V. It gives way to a massive field, a meadow. It’s a real emotional boost to finally walk into these meadows and great expanses. No more damn desert. It runs miles long and is pristine and untouched. The Kern River snakes and meanders through the valley floor. It's breezy and cool, but sunny. Snowy peaks in the distance tower over everything, giving you a preview of what's to come. It is a spectacle to see first hand. With all that is happening in the world, it feels selfish to be here. I am awed by it and I can't wait to see what is next. 

That evening, Earwig and I finally pulled into our first camp for the night.  20 hikers were already there, too many for my taste. I decided to cowboy camp because this may be the last night that it's warm enough to do so. It's very cold and the temp dropped fast tonight. I can hear the Cow Creek flowing hard in the darkness. Good night world.

The Kern.Note: my camera is getting more filthy and its been hard to keep my lens clean.  excuse the spots in the photo!

The Kern.

Note: my camera is getting more filthy and its been hard to keep my lens clean.  excuse the spots in the photo!