After a lot of discussion during dinner last night the group decided that we would do a super short day and hike 4 miles from the base of Forester Pass - the tallest point on the PCT (but shy of a 1000 ft from the summit of Whitney). It's got a massive snowfield loaded with 3 foot sun cups that you must trodge through before reaching the actual switchbacks to go over Forester. The further we have hiked the past few days the more snow, and snowmelt we are dealing with. It's rough terrain. 5 miles feels like 20 on your body, especially your knees.
Yesterday we did a good amount of ice axe and crampon sections down steep gully's. It's a big snow year and everything is more dangerous. We also know that today we would need to ford two more ice cold rivers. This brings me back to my original point: we are going to do low miles today and camp below Forester so we can climb it while it's cold and icey and not slushy, tomorrow will be an early morning and a longer day to get us to town by Sunday. But part of me really wanted to just knock out Forester today. However, a good chunk of the people I trust and prefer to hike with weren't down to take the risk.