I opted to stay in town one more day to give my knee extra time to rest. First thing I did this morning was talk to my friend Lorraine, whom I met in Idaho while camping this past summer. She's a retired physical therapist and knows her way around muscles, tendons, and treatment. She gave me some good stretching exercises to do while I hike, and convinced me to go buy better insoles for my trail runners. It seems that the way I have been planting my foot on the ground created a lot of tension below my knee. I pronate too much. I also have weak glutes, which I didn't realize had such a dictating affect on the knees.
Ate breakfast at the cafe, reconnected with a few familiar faces and then chilled at the outfitter smoking cigarettes all day. There was literally a stream of injured hikers hobbling into town with oversized packs. It was painful to watch, but "Hot Legs" was there to save lives..and legs. Lots of shakedowns happening.
"Hot Legs" Richard, reminding me to stop trying to be a badass.
I'm going to be heading towards Julian tomorrow, but will shoot for just 10 miles and take it SUPER easy. I'll keep listening to my body so I stay healthy.