Today was a good day, finally. It was my first since getting injured. Woke up this morning and got a ride up to Agua Dulce by my wonderful partner, Jessica. I was naturally super nervous about how it would go down for me on the trail. I kept imagining doomsday scenario where I get some kind of horrible injury. My confidence was shot.
It was a super hot day, reaching 90 degrees by 10:30 am. Gave jessica a hug and a kiss and I set off. I had only planned to do 5-8 miles today but as I kept hiking, I realized that the terrible pain I had anticipated never came. Except for a sore right foot, which is normal. I ended up climbing two mountains and covering 12 miles. My technique is different. I'll hike 2-3 miles and then take an hour rest break. I also have been stretching frequently and rolling out my ITB when I can. I feel good. But this is precisely the time when I need to keep focused and take it easy, and not get too confident.
I'm camped up on the top of a mountain, overlooking Lake Hughes - which was completely empty last year due to drought. Now it's full and glistening. What a perfect way to end the day. Made some friends too.
Climbing? Yes.
Tomorrow I'm going to try for a 10 mile day and stay at the Anderson's house. They are trail angels. Word on the street is they have pancakes and beer for PCT hikers, and they let folks camp in their backyard.
I feel so so so grateful for having the chance to experience a full hike day with no pain. Thank you to the powers that be.
Sunset over Lake Hughes. My first night back.