Earwig, Righteous, and I got a ride back into bishop from Ian. We all crammed into his tiny ass Toyota Yaris with no gas and all of our gear. It was kind of funny. When we got back to Bishop we discovered all cell providers were down because of some accident in Mammoth. I couldn't make any calls before we hit the trail. It was also super hot.
We ate at Carl's Jr. and then headed south to Independence to get back on the Onion Valley trail. The road up was indeed closed because of flooding. He dropped us off and we started the dreaded 7 mile road walk up to the Kearsarge Trail head. Righteous was waiting on his friend Blue to meet us up to hike for the night.
Riding in the back of a pickup with a doggy (that you can't see)
After 1/4 mile walk two CalTrans workers told us to jump in their truck! They took us all the way up. righteous didn't go though because he didn't want to leave his friend. Earwig and I chilled at the trail head and waited for them for a couple hours. When they arrived we ascended up to Flower lake just below the pass and chilled for the night.
Earwig started fishing and I started relaxing. The rest of the Lazy Fuck crew (all 18 of us) slowly started showing up into camp. It was good to see everyone again. Tomorrow we begin full days of hiking north.
Ten Gallon reading on the lake
Flower lake reflections